Artists Profile

Ajay Chakradhar
(1969)Ajay Chakradhar, a self- taught artist from Jharkhand has been in this field for the past twenty years. His specialty is abstract art. But he gives them an innovative twist with a mix of minerals and ores of iron, manganese, coal, bauxite, mica and acrylics to create them. The dimensions of a possibility can be limited- that it would start from one point and end at another. But art is one process that has a beginning but no end. And the possibilities of finding something new could be endless. And I feel the same about my work. I think that I can spend my entire life exploring new possibilities in my paintings. These words that Ajay Chakradhar, a self- taught artist from Jharkhand uses to explain the importance of innovation in art speaks volumes about the philosophy behind his work.
Ajay was in his prime when he graduated from Ranchi University. In 1989, he moved to Delhi from his village in Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand along with his family to Delhi and started assisting his father in the family business. Although he assisted his father to support his family, but found solace in drawing and sketching.