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Rudyard Kipling
(1865)Rudyard Kipling was an English poet, novelist, and writer of short stories. He composed children's stories and poems about British soldiers serving in India. The most well-known of Kipling's fictions is "The Jungle Book." His novels for young readers are classics in the field of children's literature, and one critic called his work "a versatile and luminous narrative gift." He is recognized as a key innovator in the short story form. He was the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, having won it in 1907 and being the first writer in the English language to do so.
Kipling has a very humane and inventive writing style. His writings incorporate political and real-world themes from past literary eras. Work that combines unique and strange character notions from "The Jungle Book" with magical elements of nature. He also connected humanism to the idea that each person has the capacity for creativity. Because of his experience and creative faculties, Kipling was able to draw on a wide range of literary moments to produce enduring works of art.
Kipling began his literary career with Departmental Ditties in 1886. He became known for his short stories, particularly “Plain Tales from the Hill” and “Soldiers Three”. His Barrack Room Ballads were written for and about the common soldier. His “Jungle Book”, a children's classic, became a worldwide bestseller. His most notable work is “Kim”, a story about Kimball O'Hara's adventures in the Himalayas. Other notable works include The “Second Jungle Book”, The “Seven Seas”, “Captains Courageous”, “The Day's Work”, “Stalky and Co.”, “Traffics and Discoveries”, “Puck of Pook's Hill”, “Actions and Reactions”, “Debits and Credits”, “Thy Servant a Dog”, and “Limits and Renewals”.