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A Definitive Event in Indian Colonial History: Cock Fight Match at Lucknow in 1786

Lot No. 3: Johann Zoffany

Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match at Lucknow in the Province of Oude, in the Year 1786

  • Large hand colored mezzotint
  • 1792
  • 27.5 x 21.5 inches
  • London

Winning Bid : ₹ 1,40,448

(Inclusive Buyer's Premium)


 1,00,000 -  2,00,000

Estimate US$


Ends at Mar 01, 2023 07:02 PM IST

Quick Overview

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Johann Zoffany

Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match at Lucknow in the Province of Oude, in the Year 1786

At which were present several High and Distinguished Personages, Published by Robert Sayer, Fleet Street, London, 1792.
Large mezzotint of Johan Zoffanys famous painting depicting a cock match between Asad-uf-daula, Nawab Wazir of Oudh, and Colonel John Mordaunt (both stood in the centre gesturing to one another). Zoffanys painting was commissioned by Warren Hastings, 1st Governor-General of Bengal in 1784 and dispatched to him in England in 1788.
Asafs court at Lucknow was extravagant, and this scene portrays several key figures of the court: Asafs Swiss engineer Colonel Antoine Polier, the East India Companys Lucknow paymaster John Wombwell, the notorious French adventurer Claud Martin, and Zoffany himself alongside fellow artist Ozias Humphrey. After falling from favour in England, Zoffany moved to India and this picture demonstrates how he turned modified the style of conversation piece with which he made his name, to his new surroundings.
Sheet size: 46 x 59 cm (18 x 23 inches)
Plate size: 49.5 x 68 cm (19.5 x 27 inches)
Good Condition
Provenance: Property from a collection of a Lady.

Keywords: India, Indian colonial, Early, Cock Fight, Lucknow, Oude

About Artist

Johann Joseph Zoffany (1733 –1810)

Johann Joseph Zoffany was a German neoclassical painter who was active mainly in England, Italy and India. Zoffany was a master of what has been called the 'theatrical conversation piece', (The conversation piece was a relatively small, though…...Read More

Good Condition
Nickname Amount(Rs) Type Date & Time(IST)
1 anon0216 117040.00 Regular 01-03-2023 06:03:23 PM IST
2 anon0179 106400.00 Regular 01-03-2023 06:03:23 PM IST
3 anon0216 96700.00 Regular 01-03-2023 06:03:07 PM IST
4 anon0179 87900.00 Regular 01-03-2023 06:03:14 PM IST
5 Auto Bid 79860.00 Absentee 26-02-2023 07:02:37 PM IST
6 anon0119 72600.00 Regular 26-02-2023 07:02:37 PM IST
7 Auto Bid 66000.00 Absentee 17-02-2023 08:02:59 AM IST
8 anon0179 60000.00 Regular 17-02-2023 08:02:59 AM IST
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