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Attributed to Hemendranath Mazumdar

Lot No. 34: Attributed to Mazumdar, Hemendranath

Painting of a lady

  • Medium: Oil on Canvas
  • Size: 17.7 x 13 inches

Unsold (reserve not met)


1,00,000 - 2,00,000

Estimate US$

1200 - 2400

Ends at Oct 11, 2023 07:33 PM IST

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Attributed to Mazumdar, Hemendranath

Painting of a lady

Size: Image size: 12.5 x 7.8 inches, Mount size: 17.7 x 13 inches

The artist who was known for his singular portraits of beautiful women all painted without revealing their faces, the artist who painted the most sensual and elusive backs draped in gorgeous saris, Hemendranath Mazumdar was an artist who was driven by his own passion and lines of originality.Known as the last romantic Mazumdar said: “There are no fixed rules or traditions in the domain of painting, which has got no universally recognised lexicon of its own.”

This profile of a lady with her hair rolled into a bun is quintessentially Bengali and brings into view Santo Dutta’s world when he said: “Mazumdar’s prodigious output had created an entirely new genre of figure painting in India, one that delighted in the sensuous, almost sexualised, qualities of the female flesh of the unattainable upper class elite Bengali woman”.

In an essay Caterina Corni says: “ The female figure conceived by Hemen Mazumdar enshrines the meaning and the symbolism of the eternal feminine. Women become the sole and profound source of inspiration. What emerges is a figure which is developed in both its earthly and sacred dimensions. A sort of eternal and primordial Female, a primitive Śhakti, a Unique Force, the source from which everything originated. Mazumdar builds his women giving them an almost sculptural grandeur, the figurative space is developed vertically and the artist creates figures filled with expressive power, frozen in small, typically feminine gesture, which gives them a composed sensuality with a sense of the eternal.”

Provenance: Collection of Gentleman.

Good Condition

Keywords: Painting
Good Condition
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