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First Edition

Lot No. 21: Bevan, Major H.

Thirty Years in India

  • Medium: Printed Book
  • Year: 1839
  • Size: 7.5 x 5 inches
  • Place: London

Winning Bid : ₹ 1,18,800

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 1,00,000 -  1,50,000

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Ends at Apr 24, 2024 07:20 PM IST

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Bevan, Major H.

Thirty Years in India

Or A Soldier's Reminiscences of Native and European Life

First Edition

Year: 1839
,br>Size:19 x 12.7cm (7.5 x 5 inches)

Published by: Pelham Richardson 8vol. 344 + 367pp.
Illustrated with a hand coloured engraved frontispiece in vol.1
2 Black & White plates in vol.2, and a folding Black & White engraved map.
Half leather, spine with extensive tooling in gilt. Contrasting color title labels on spines.
Few small pin holes in back board and last few pages of both vols. Good condition

The author was a captain in the 27th Regiment Madras Native Infantry, and late commanding the Corps of Wynaud Rangers. In addition to political and military matters, his account contains detailed descriptions of local manners and customs, discussion of religion, slavery, the silk trade, the cultivation of coffee, tea, and opium, and much relating to British military life in India and field sports (hunting for elephants, tigers, elk, wild hog, cheetahs, bear, antelope, leopards, snipe, alligators, and jackals). Appended is an official statement on slavery in the East Indies in reply to questions submitted by H. Villiers, M.P. "During a period of upwards of twenty-three years, I have been in uninterrupted actual military service in India; the principal part of which was actually passed in the field, with the Madras, Bengal, and Bombay troops; also in the Deccan, Hindostanee, Guzerat, and other states subject to the control or immediate government of the Honourable East India Company. The last eight years were mostly spent in the provinces of Malabar and Wynaud; where I had constant opportunities to learn from personal inquiry what state of vassalage or slavery the poorer classes of the inhabitants of these two provinces were held by the landed proprietors, and people of substance, trades, and shopkeepers." (p. 359).
Provenance : Collection of a Gentleman
Few small pin holes in back board and last few pages of both vols.
Nickname Amount(Rs) Type Date & Time(IST)
1 anon0138 99000.00 Regular 24-04-2024 07:04:32 PM IST
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