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Lot No. 69: Caddy, Peter

A Set of Two Books (i) A Trek to Pindari Glacier (ii) Pindari Glacier Notes

  • Medium: Printed Book
  • Year: 1944 & 1946
  • Size: 4.8 x 7.4 inches
  • Place: Almora

Unsold (reserve not met)


 12,000 -  24,000

Estimate US$


Ends at Apr 24, 2024 08:08 PM IST

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Caddy, Peter

A Set of Two Books (i) A Trek to Pindari Glacier (ii) Pindari Glacier Notes

(i) A Trek to Pindari Glacier
First Cawnpore Rover Crew. A 7-member British party's trek.
No printer or publisher. Evidently privately issued
Year: May 1944
Size: 18.5 x 12.5 cm(7.2 x 4.9 inch)
PP 29 with 4 plates
Stapled pamphlet with a drawing on cover

(ii) Pindari Glacier Notes
Size:12.4 x 19 cm(4.8 x 7.4 inch)
Published by the District Board, Almora
PP 101 with 2 plates
Printed in Almora
Oblong stitched booklet carrying extracts from the logbooks of numerous British and some Indian trekkers
Provenance : Collection of a Gentleman
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