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Lot No. 11: Gibbon, Edward

The History of Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire

  • Medium: Printed Book
  • Year: 1815
  • Size: 8.5 x 5.3 inches
  • Place: London

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 1,00,000 -  2,00,000

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Ends at Apr 24, 2024 07:10 PM IST

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Gibbon, Edward

The History of Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire

12 Volume Set

Year: 1815

Size: 21.5 x 13.5 cm (8.5 x 5.3 inches)

Printed for Lackington, Allen and Co. 8vo., 12 Vols. Vol. 1, PP 456+xxiv+36, Vol. 2, PP 496+xiv, one map, Vol. 3, PP 412+ix, Vol. 4, PP 443+viii, Vol. 5, PP 432+viii, Vol. 6, PP 420+x, Vol. 7, PP 424+x+viii, Vol. 8, PP 378+xviii, Vol. 9, PP 502+x, VOl. 10. PP 385+x, Vol. 11, PP 460+x, Vol. 12. PP 432+xii.
Contemporary full leather binding, title in gilt on spine.
Generally acclaimed as the greatest historical work in the English language, first edition published, 1776-1788, to immediate public regard, and to supply its continuing demand, New Editions were published.
Provenance : Collection of a Gentleman
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