Online Auction of Antiquarian Books 14th March 2024 at 7.00 pm
Bolts, William
Lot 1
Considerations on India…
Winning Bid : ₹1,26,720
Cambridge, Richard Owen,…
Lot 2
An account of the war…
Winning Bid : ₹1,26,720
Orme, Robert
Lot 3
A History of the Military…
Winning Bid : ₹1,16,160
Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey…
Lot 4
A Code of Gentoo laws…
Winning Bid : ₹1,27,800
Pennant, Thomas
Lot 5
The View of Hindoostan
Winning Bid : ₹1,27,800
Buchanan, Francis
Lot 6
A Journey from Madras…
Winning Bid : ₹2,37,360
Creighton, H
Lot 7
The Ruins of Gour
Winning Bid : ₹11,69,388
Maurice, Thomas
Lot 8
The History of Hindostan
Winning Bid : ₹1,05,600
Smithers, Henry
Lot 9
Observations made during…
Winning Bid : ₹10,560
Symes, Michael
Lot 10
An Account of an Embassy…
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Jones & Co.
Lot 11
Jones Views of the Seats,…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Wilson, Horace Hayman.
Lot 12
A dictionary of Sanscrit…
Winning Bid : ₹2,37,600
Lot 13
Javaansche Spraakkunst…
Winning Bid : ₹10,560
Lot 14
The Asiatic Journal and…
Winning Bid : ₹39,240
Lot 15
The Asiatic Journal and…
Winning Bid : ₹43,200
Lot 16
The Asiatic Journal and…
Winning Bid : ₹47,520
Wilson, Horace Hayman
Lot 17
Select Specimens of the…
Winning Bid : ₹59,400
Caunter, Hobart
Lot 18
The Romance of History.…
Winning Bid : ₹59,400
Carne, John & Bartlett,W.H.…
Lot 19
Syria, The Holy Land,…
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Lane, Edward William…
Lot 20
An Account of the Manners…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Gleig, George Robert
Lot 21
Sales Brigade in Afghanistan…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Wolff, Joseph
Lot 22
Narrative of A Mission…
Winning Bid : ₹1,04,640
Soltykoff, Alexis
Lot 23
Voyages Dans L'inde Par…
Winning Bid : ₹2,37,360
Fergusson, James
Lot 24
History of Indian and…
Winning Bid : ₹59,400
Framjee, Dosabhoy
Lot 25
The Parsees; Their History,…
Winning Bid : ₹79,200
Martin, R. Montgomery.
Lot 26
The Indian Empire
Winning Bid : ₹95,040
Elliot, F.A.H.
Lot 27
The Rulers of Baroda
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Maurice, Thomas.
Lot 28
Indian Antiquities
Winning Bid : ₹1,78,200
Le Bon, Gustave
Lot 29
Les Civilisations De L'Inde.
Winning Bid : ₹43,200
Furneaux, J.H.
Lot 30
Glimpses of India, A Grand…
Winning Bid : ₹43,200
Richards, Walter
Lot 31
Her Majestys Indian and…
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
William, Alexander,…
Lot 32
The Creed of Japhet
Unsold (reserve not met)
Maj. J. H. Tull Walsh
Lot 33
A History of Murshidabad…
Winning Bid : ₹3,56,400
Rangacharya, V
Lot 34
A Topographical List of…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Rene Grousset
Lot 35
Les Civilisations de L'Orient…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Lot 36
The Geographical Journal.…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Osborne, W.G.
Lot 37
The Court and Camp of…
Winning Bid : ₹2,90,400
PRICE Joseph
Lot 38
A Letter to Edmund Burke…
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Combe, William & Thomas…
Lot 39
Tour of Doctor Syntax…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Heber, Reginald, Right…
Lot 40
Narrative of a Journey…
Unsold (reserve not met)
White, George Francis;…
Lot 41
Views In India: Chiefly…
Winning Bid : ₹57,600
Lot 42
The Months Illustrated…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Fergusson, James
Lot 43
Tree & Serpent Worship
Winning Bid : ₹2,37,600
Major Arthur Neve
Lot 44
The Tourist's Guide to…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Mill, James; Wilson,…
Lot 45
Mill's History of British…
Winning Bid : ₹4,20,000
Caunter, Hobart; Daniell,…
Lot 46
The Oriental Annual 1834-1840…
Winning Bid : ₹2,37,600
Roberts, Emma
Lot 47
Fishers Views India, China…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Russell, William Howard.
Lot 48
My Dairy In India, In…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Atkinson, Capt. G. F.
Lot 49
Curry & Rice
Winning Bid : ₹71,280
Drew, Frederic
Lot 50
The Northern Barrier Of…
Winning Bid : ₹86,400
Sadi, Sheikh Muslih-Uddin…
Lot 51
The Gulistan or Rose Garden…
Winning Bid : ₹26,160
W. S. Caine
Lot 52
Picturesque India
Winning Bid : ₹52,320
Lot 53
Twenty-One Days in India
Winning Bid : ₹26,160
Lot 54
Queen Alexandra's Christmas…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Anderson, William and…
Lot 55
Far North in India
Winning Bid : ₹78,480
Lady Jenkins
Lot 56
Sport & Travel in both…
Winning Bid : ₹47,520
Li, Shaman Hwui
Lot 57
The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang
Winning Bid : ₹63,360
O Connor, V.C.Scott
Lot 58
The Charm of Kashmir.
Winning Bid : ₹86,400
Dhama, B L
Lot 59
A Guide to Khajuraho
Unsold (reserve not met)
Stein, Aurel
Lot 60
Tour in Gedrosia
Winning Bid : ₹86,400
Hedin, Sven
Lot 61
Central India and Tibet,…
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Hedin, Sven
Lot 62
Adventures in Tibet
Winning Bid : ₹56,040
Hedin, Sven
Lot 63
My Life as an Explorer
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Margerie, M. Emmanuel…
Lot 64
L'Oeuvre De Sven Hedin…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Hedin, Sven
Lot 65
Jehol City of Emperors
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Hedin, Sven
Lot 66
A Conquest of Tibet
Winning Bid : ₹16,560
Hedin, Sven
Lot 67
Sven Hedin's German Diary…
Unsold (reserve not met)
WILLIAMSON, Capt. Thomas…
Lot 68
Oriental Field Sports
Winning Bid : ₹71,280
Jerdon, T.C.
Lot 69
The Birds of India being…
Winning Bid : ₹2,87,520
Hume, Allan
Lot 70
Stray Feathers A Journal…
Winning Bid : ₹28,800
Hume, Allan
Lot 71
Stray Feathers A Journal…
Winning Bid : ₹34,320
Whistler, Hugh
Lot 72
Popular Handbook of Indian…
Winning Bid : ₹31,680
Lot 73
Handbook of the Birds…
Unsold (reserve not met)
McCann, Charles
Lot 74
100 Beautiful Trees of…
Winning Bid : ₹12,936
Dr. R. Riddell
Lot 75
Indian Domestic Economy…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Lot 76
Dainty Dishes for Tables…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Lot 77
What to Tell the Cook…
Winning Bid : ₹1,05,600
Lot 78
What and How or What shall…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Lot 79
The Indian Cookery Book:…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Martin Richard Gubbins
Lot 80
An Account of the Mutinies…
Winning Bid : ₹26,160
(No name but by HARRIS,…
Lot 81
A Ladys Diary of the Siege…
Winning Bid : ₹52,320
E.H. Nolan
Lot 82
The History of the British…
Winning Bid : ₹47,520
Ball, Charles
Lot 83
The History of Indian…
Winning Bid : ₹72,600
Holmes, T.R.E.
Lot 84
A History of The Indian…
Winning Bid : ₹31,680
Maude, F C Sherer, John…
Lot 85
Memories of the Mutiny
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Malleson, Colonel G.B.…
Lot 86
Malleson Indian Mutiny
Winning Bid : ₹32,400
Edwardes, Michael
Lot 87
The Relief of Lucknow
Unsold (reserve not met)
Day C. R.
Lot 88
The Music and Musical…
Winning Bid : ₹2,17,800
Ghose, Sarath Kumar
Lot 89
1001 Indian Nights (The…
Winning Bid : ₹71,280
Younghusband, Col. G…
Lot 90
The Story of The Guides
Winning Bid : ₹38,760
Jones, Owen
Lot 91
The Grammar of Ornament…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Smith, Vincent A
Lot 92
A History of Fine Art…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Sardar Jafari
Lot 93
Unsold (reserve not met)
Byam Shaw
Lot 94
The Garden of Kama
Winning Bid : ₹34,848
Vidyapati; Ananda Coomarswamy…
Lot 95
Vidyapati : Bangiya Padabali
Winning Bid : ₹35,640
Budge, Wallis
Lot 96
The Teachings of Amen-Em-Apt,…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Ananda Coomaraswamy,…
Lot 97
The Dance of Siva, Fourteen…
Winning Bid : ₹23,760
Mehta, Nanalal Chamanlal
Lot 98
Studies in Indian Painting
Unsold (reserve not met)
Gilman, Benedicte (Editor)
Lot 99
Masterpieces of the J…
Unsold (reserve not met)
Reed, Stanley
Lot 100
The Royal Tour In India…
Winning Bid : ₹57,600
Pioneer Press
Lot 101
Coronation Durbar 1911
Winning Bid : ₹1,16,028
Lot 102
Loan exhibition of Antiquities,…
Winning Bid : ₹1,05,600
Johnston & Hoffmann
Lot 103
Royal Tour Souvenir Album…
Winning Bid : ₹47,520
Murray, John
Lot 104
The Historical Record…
Winning Bid : ₹71,280
Home, Amal
Lot 105
The Imperial Silver Jubilee…
Winning Bid : ₹63,360
Krishnamurti, Y. G.
Lot 106
His Majesty King Mahendra…
Unsold (reserve not met)
O. C. Gangoly
Lot 107
Modern Indian Artist
Winning Bid : ₹56,628
Lepel H. Griffin & Charles…
Lot 108
A Group of Four Books…
Winning Bid : ₹1,78,200
Savarkar, V.D.
Lot 109
War of Independence 1857
Winning Bid : ₹39,240
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